Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Help Yourself by Helping Others

I have a client who's been dealing with a lot of changes and loss over the past year. She's a bright and very intelligent young woman and is very motivated to help herself. One strategy I deploy with clients is to help them focus on troubles other than their own.

My client was very receptive to this idea. I suggested that maybe she consider volunteering. Locally the possibilities are rich; the Mission, Vandy Children's Hospital, Food Not Bombs, Hands on Nashville etc. She said she would consider these options and even gave herself the assignment of making a choice by the next session.

She came into to her last session and told me she had made a decions: She's going to Haiti. For seven days she is going on a relief mission trip. She will be helping build temporary shelter. I was amazed. She had investigated and researched organizations going to Haiti and found a local group that had an open spot on their team. She will be sleeping in a tent and working hard every day in an environment more unlike Nashville than I can imagine. My hunch is that the symptoms she is dealing with will be absent for the week she is in Haiti.

Volunteer work, focusing on the needs of others, is not a panacea, but it is very helpful when we have become overwhelmed with our own struggles.
For anyone dealing with chronic health or mental health issues there is a built in self centered-ness that can be stultifying. Getting out of our comfort zones seeking to be of service to others, or better yet to be of service to a greater good, can be amazingly therapeutic.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

The Serenity Prayer
contains just about all you need to know with regards to making personal change. (If you don't want therapy then check it out, maybe you won't need therapy. Just kidding, every one needs therapy!)

The Prayer has three BIG TRUTHS.

1) The ability (or skill) to SERENELY ACCEPT what 'IS' is huge. I encourage my clients to identify their 'wishful thinking' habits. Fantasizing that 'if only things were different' is a trap and a time waster. It is a version of 'magical thinking'; cute in children but problematic in adults. Usually folks wish for something to be different in somebody else. This refusal to accept what is only keeps us stuck because it prevents us from seeing the one thing we can change; Ourselves.

2) Once we clear away the fantasy of wishful thinking about changing others we are left with looking at ourselves. Boy, that takes COURAGE! Like standing in a full length mirror, naked, without sucking in your gut (I speak from personal experience). To see what really is in ourselves is the second big task in therapy. The irony is before we CHANGE courageously we need to ACCEPT what it is we see in the mirror. THAT is ME; and THAT'S OK. In short, we need to unconditionally love ourselves, harder than it sounds.

3) 'Wisdom to Know the Difference' between what you can change and what you can't is the third major task of therapy. Inevitably what you can change is YOU and not HER or HIM. Once this nugget of TRUTH is recognized a huge amount of garbage can be wiped away, let go of, and the real issues arise. But gaining this WISDOM takes practice, patience and skills. Understanding that we all have EMOTIONAL and REASONABLE parts of our mind is an important skill (brain science is bearing this out btw). Being aware of this tendency can allow us to wait before we make decisions; giving time for our REASONABLE side to 'have a say'. Decisions made only in one or the other state of mind are often regretted. WISDOM can be gleaned when we are aware and listening to both our EMOTIONAL and REASONABLE minds. This IS NOT easy. Mystics spend years trying to achieve this perfect balance. Luckily we don't need perfection to see real progress. Mindfulness meditation is one way to work on this skill (and I teach it to just about all my clients).
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.