Thursday, April 7, 2011

my avoidance

I'm getting messages from the universe (and others) that I need to start posting again. Is it laziness or avoidance? I think probably avoidance. So what am I avoiding? I've been thinking a lot lately about avoidance and why we do it. It's probably the number one defense mechanism we humans have. We avoid perceived pain. The pain of difficult emotions, the pain of facing the consequences of our actions, the pain of seeing hurt in someone else, the pain of the truth about ourselves....the list goes on. Before we decide to be courageous and face what we generally avoid I think it's useful just to notice our avoidance. Notice the times we turn away or delay or pretend not to see. Just pay attention to it. This is hard enough. What I avoid: talking about money with my spouse, talking to my son about sex/sexuality, organizing my desk/office, signing up for yoga class, a growing list of projects around the house, seeking guidance from others, showing my vulnerabilities, confronting clients about missed appointments, going to the doctor, scales, chores, auto maintenance, practicing guitar, meditation, church.......

1 comment:

outta town strange said...

i understand avoidance. or plain procrastination. or feeling so far from my center because i've chosen to share a powerful feeling with someone, that my writing, becomes moot. my most inner conflicts and surprising revelations drive my characters. and then, i have diarrhea of the mouth, and poof! its gone. at least i think it is. i can bring it back up, but, at times whirl like a dervish thru everything else going on in my head, in my life. and wonder the use of my life and go searching the internet for answers, a plan, or salvation.