Saturday, January 16, 2010

Be Grateful for What You Got, Give What You Can

What are we to do in the face of unmitigated tragedy like the earthquake in Haiti? For any with one empathic bone in their body (hopefully anyone reading this would qualify) the sights and sounds we witness on tv, the web and the paper can only bring the ache of shock, sadness and a sense of powerlessness. What can we do? After we come to our senses there some answers to this question.
First, give money. Give as generously as you can afford. Give to organizations with a good track record of getting resources to those who need them and who have low overhead.

Second, take stock of your blessings. We all have struggles that at times seem daunting, but Haiti puts our troubles in perspective. Give thanks.

Third, talk to your children about Haiti and what is happening in words they can understand. The realization that the world is bigger than the world they know is part of growing up. Talking about this tragedy can help build a sense of empathy for the suffering of others. At that is precious.

Fourth, if you can, think globally and act locally. Get involved.

Fifth, hug your children, hug your partner, let the people close to you know how much you love and care about them.

Here are some organizations I would recommend: Doctors Without Borders, Oxfam USA, Save the Children, Catholic Relief Services, Mercy Corp, Haiti Emergency Relief Fund, (a micro lending group based in Haiti)

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