Monday, June 14, 2010


Summer time is filled with possibility. I used to think that because I still had to work through the summer that this season would go to being just like any other, only hotter. But the idea that something special could happen has never left me. I really love the summer time. It must be my 'inner' 13 year old. My actual 13 year old is either away at camp or taking care of himself this summer. My 6 (almost 7) year old is going to a series of day camps or staying with a family friend. I pray they will remember their summers with the same whimsical affection that I do. Mornings are decidedly less hurried and stressful. We still get up early, but it's amazing what a difference 30 minutes makes. We've already had one week long vacation to the Gulf Coast (before the slick got there) and may hopefully have another. Summer gives laziness a pass. Summer-time is short (and getting shorter). As time slows down it seems to paradoxically slip away all the sooner. Mid August will be here soon and the kids will be back in school, and we will be back to hectic mornings, home work and grade pressures. Summer is precious.

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