Thursday, August 19, 2010

8th grade

Summer ends too quickly. It's not actually over for more than another month, but really, it ended on August 12th when my kids went back to school. 8th grade begins for Adam, 2nd for Camille. And away we go.

I was driving Adam to his first day for 8th grade. I remember when he started 5th and the butterflies I felt for him then, entering a new school, no friends, alone. I think maybe I was more nervous than he was. Adam has always been so stoic. Dropping him off last week to begin his last year of middle school I felt somehow the same. Butterflies, but not worrying about him making it in a new school, but for this beginning of this end. He's not worried at all, 8th grade, top of the pack. He's 13, and the years between 5th grade and now have slipped by. Despite some of the struggles, the cancer, and all that, middle school has flown by. As Adam walks away I see him as a young man, almost grown up, I see him as the little boy 3 years ago, I see him as a baby, and I see him soon gone away from us. I think I cried a bit as I drove away from his school, waving to the teacher on morning traffic duty. Feeling the butterflies.

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